Our Principal Teacher system, Grade team and Grade Co-ordinator ensure that each student has a strong connection to their grade.
The first and most important contact person for students and parents is the student’s Principal Teacher. General queries, notes to explain absences and matters of student welfare should be raised with the Principal Teacher in the first instance. Parents can contact the Principal Teacher by note, by email, Flexibuzz or by leaving a phone message at the School Office.
The Grade Supervisors and Grade Team have overall responsibility for the welfare and discipline of students in a particular grade. The Grade Supervisors work with the Home Group teacher and subject teachers to best support students.
Our school has a qualified Social Worker and School Psychologist who are available to support students through counselling and assessment.
The School Psychologist deals with concerns about learning difficulties, social issues and emotional problems. The Social Worker provides counselling for students and families, supports students and families through a wide range of social issues and problems and is able to provide support in such cases. Referrals are usually made by an Assistant Principal after consultation with parents by making an appointment through the School Office.
Our school has a School Health Nurse who supports our school to create a physical and social environment that promotes health and wellbeing, and assists to improve the health and education outcomes for our students.
Secondary School Nurses focus on-
Our School Chaplain is also available to provide pastoral support and guidance for our students and staff. We also have access to adult mentors through Devonport Chaplaincy who are able to work individually with students on a weekly basis.